
In a pond not too far,
but rather quite near,
lived a mighty young duck
with nothing to fear.

With a beak that could honk
and a bat that could bonk,
well, this was a duck
that don’t give a fuck.

While the other ducks quacked
and flapped near and far,
this duck would take puffs
from his Cuban cigar.

He didn’t care much
for the noise or the chatter.
Preferring his peace,
nothing else seemed to matter.

“Oh, look at that duck!”
all the others would jeer,
but our duck would just shrug,
not a tear in his leer.

He flipped up his fingers
with a sense of delight,
for he knew in his heart
he was doing it right.

With a flap of his wings,
he took to the air,
performing a feat
that’s incredibly rare.

A double back-flip!
Oh, what incredible luck!
He dazzled them all
while not giving a fuck.

Unzipping his feathers,
without doubt or a care,
he relieved himself,
right in the open air.

They marvelled in awe
at his fearless display,
until one of them shouted,
“Please teach us the way!”

They paid him in droves
for his wisdom so grand,
as he filled his own bags,
flipping coins in one hand.

Now there sits our duck,
atop his gold stash,
with a lifetime of cash,
in a glorious flash!

So, if ever you find
yourself feeling stuck,
just remember the duck
that don’t give a fuck.

Be bold, be brave,
and always be true.
Because in the end,
that’s the best thing to do!

Fuck you